Joint Family Information

Joint Family Information
Joint Family


Family is very important in every person's life. People in India have lived in joint families since ancient times. A joint family is an undivided family in which more than one generation live together in the same house. Under the joint family, grandfather, grandmother, parents, uncle and aunt and their children live together. The joint family consists of 8 or more members.
The joint family is protected by respect, restraint and cooperation. Joint energy is born from a joint family. Combined energy ends suffering. Opens the glands. Family beyond joint family. All kind of sorrow is erased by the feeling of family. This is also the patriarchy. Family also has rules.

Respect of the Family is Important:

Joint Family Information
Joint Family Information

The family is destroyed by discord. Growth of total from totality. The basis of a joint Hindu family is the tradition of Kul, Kul Devata, Kul Devi, Kul Dharma and Kul. 
The center of the family is women and religion. Diseases and mourning do not take place where they are respected. At present, the level of 'arrogance and jealousy' has increased in the Hindu family, which is causing the continuous decline of the families. Most families are now single families. There are many reasons for this.

In such families, the son does not distance himself after getting married. Instead, he lives in the same house with his family and his family with his wife and children.
The oldest male member is treated as supreme of the family & usually the head of the joint family. His power and functions are like a trustee. Generally he has the right to take all economic and social decisions on behalf of the family as he is the Head.

Family Boss
Joint Family Information
Joint Family Information

 In a joint family, the largest member of the household is the head, everyone has to agree and decide. In this way, conservatism makes a place in the family and people with new thinking suffer. Many times, the people of the house feel good and right, but have to accept the helplessness which leads to negativity in them. Therefore, if you want to live in a joint family, then the opinion of all family members should be taken.

Economic Condition:

No matter how much you earn in a joint family, you all have to keep in mind. No one earns but no one else has expenses, in such a situation you cannot even think about your personal savings. You have to spend in some sickness or in bad times, which is not accounted for, in such a situation, people stay in a joint family.

Joint family relationships:

In a joint family, the father's mother, father is called grandmother and grandfather. Father's younger brother is called Kaka (uncle), elder brother is Tau. Father's sister is called aunt. Kaka's wife is called Kaki, daughter's sister and son's brother. Tau's wife is called Tai, daughter's sister and son's brother. Likewise, Kaka is the wife of Kaka, daughter is sister and brother is son.

This is how love is born in the family:

If you do not love the members of the house, you cannot be expected to love or respect religion, country and society.
  • Being constantly connected to religion, love develops in a joint family. The way to stay connected with religion is to do 'Sandhyavadan' every day by making the same blessings. To know religion through satsang.
  •  All the members of the house together pray to God once a week or meditate.
  •  All the members of the house sit together and eat. Eating and sitting together enhances unity and love.
  •  All the members of the house interact with each other in a peaceful manner on all kinds of subjects. Do not impose your views on any member.
  •  Everyone should try at their level to have a happy atmosphere in the house. Keep all kinds of entertainment in the house.
  •  Everyone should cooperate with each other in home economy.
  •  Follow the tradition, customs.
  •  Understand property and capital over all. Never allow money between relationships. No member of the household is richer or poorer than any other member. All blood relations are there.
  •  Understand your responsibility towards mother-father, siblings, daughter-son and wife.
  •  Once or twice a year everyone goes out together for entertainment or tourism.
  •  While members of the family should avoid committing the evil of each other, they should also keep away from the evil of the maiden of the women of the house.
  •  If members of the house compliment and respect each other, there will definitely be solidarity in the joint family.
  •  Male members of the family should not take any kind of intoxication and women should consider their dignity.
  • If women stay in their father's and their husband's house, then respect is retained. If both of them spend the night somewhere other than home, then this creates confusion.

Bonus Notes about Joint Family:

Joint Family Information
Joint Family Information

A joint family includes family members who are related to each other and are part of a common lineage, religion and property. All the workers in the family pool put together what they earn and head it - which is usually the largest. The head of the family takes care of the entire family. Any member who brings extra money is of equal status. Therefore, the joint family put the concept into practice: "each according to his needs, each according to his abilities." The idea is socialist in character. The joint family system is a feature of agrarian society in countries such as China and India. Are in existence whose economy is based on agricultural production. Collective life, collective farming and collective share in family wealth are traditional features of the joint. Joint families hand over tradition, customs and etiquette.
Traditional culture and skills in arts and crafts are preserved from generation to generation. There is division of labor where members participate in various tasks and contribute to the welfare of the family as a unit. A joint family provides an ideal setting for a culture of virtues. The foundation of the joint family is based on cooperation and selflessness and tolerance. Children are taught from an early age the qualities of patience, respect for the elderly, discipline, good habits are to share everything. A cordial environment becomes a nursery for cultivating qualities. There is a feeling of insecurity for people living in nuclear families.
This feeling of insecurity is not in a joint family where unemployed, sick, old and disabled are well taken care of. There is a sense of social security, and old age and illness are not viewed with fear. In a nuclear family, a working mother tries her best and defeats the balance between service and household chores. However, the combined system can at times prove to be a hindrance to individual enterprise and initiative. Joint family has many advantages. However, this does not always work. When many people of different mindset and nature live under the same roof, negative human traits are bound to crop up. Members then tend to emphasize their rights and ignore their duties. When this type of behavior occurs, the environment is not favorable, with many changes in the political, social and economic fields, estimating the Hindu joint family for the present time.


  • There is a large undivided family, where more than one generation live together in a common household.
  • A joint family (an undivided family, joint family, extended family arrangement)
  • A joint family is a form of family where grand-parents, father, mother and children are united together under one roof.
  • In such families, the son does not distance himself after getting married.
  • Instead, he lives in the same house with his family and his family with his wife and children.
In My Opinion Joint Family Is A good Thing for Everyone. Everyone should enjoy as i am.
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